
Corporate responsibility begins at home and prevails wherever we operate. For Minco Exploration it is a guiding principle – a single standard of excellence we strive to apply in everything we undertake.

Corporate Governance

The Directors of Minco are committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and to managing Minco in an honest and ethical manner. The Board believes that its corporate governance policies and procedures are appropriate in light of the size, nature and stage of development of Minco. The Board is accountable to shareholders for good corporate governance, and has adopted a Code of Conduct in this regard.

Minco’s Code of Conduct sets out the high standards of conduct expected of all of our employees, officers and directors, and by our partners, vendors and contractors when they are working with us or on our behalf.

Our Code sets out basic standards for ethical and legal behavior. Minco Exploration maintains a strict policy on business integrity and a number of standards designed to prevent corruption. All employees play a critical role in demonstrating and communicating our ongoing commitment to integrity and striving for excellence in everything we undertake.

Our Code is an educational and preventative tool designed to ensure our employees follow the law, as well as our policies and standards.

Minco Exploration is proud to conduct all of its operations in a socially and environmentally friendly manner. Minco is dedicated to the responsible and profitable development of mineral resources for the benefit of its shareholders and other stakeholders. Acting ethically is an important part of performing responsibly and profitably. Ultimately, Minco’s success and growth depends upon the trust and confidence it builds with all of its stakeholders.

Social Governance

Minco is committed to all of our stakeholders – shareholders, investors, employees, operating companies and the communities we operate in and around.

Minco strives to be mindful of ongoing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues within our organisation and communities, which form an important part of our business and management decisions. We believe responsible business requires ongoing discussion and continuous learning and improvement with ESG issues. 

Environmental Governance

Minco Exploration is proud to conduct all of its operations, both in the office and out in the field, in the most environmentally friendly manner possible.

Minco is dedicated to the responsible and profitable development of mineral resources for the benefit of its shareholders and other stakeholders.  Minco is committed to the most sustainable methods of mineral exploration to protect not only the environment, but also the bio-diversity of the communities and areas in which Minco operates.